
Travel Guide to Settlement

Explore Settlement on Christmas Island: a captivating blend of natural wonders, rich history, and vibrant local culture, making it a must-visit destination in the Indian Ocean.

Settlement: The Heart of Christmas Island

Nestled in the Indian Ocean, Settlement serves as the bustling hub of Christmas Island. This charming town is the perfect blend of natural beauty and rich history. As the island's main settlement, it offers a unique glimpse into the local lifestyle and culture. The town is surrounded by lush rainforests and pristine beaches, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. One of the standout features of Settlement is its incredible wildlife. The island is famous for its red crab migration, where millions of crabs make their way to the sea to spawn. This natural spectacle is a must-see and can be witnessed around the town. Birdwatchers will also be delighted by the variety of bird species that call the island home, including the rare Abbott's booby. The town itself is steeped in history, with many buildings dating back to the early 20th century. Visitors can explore the diverse cultural influences that have shaped Settlement, from British colonial architecture to Asian-inspired temples. A stroll through the town will reveal a mix of old and new, with quaint shops, local markets, and modern amenities all within walking distance. For those looking to immerse themselves in the local culture, Settlement offers a range of experiences. You can sample fresh seafood at the local eateries, visit the Christmas Island National Park, or take a guided tour to learn about the island's unique ecosystem. The friendly locals are always eager to share their stories and traditions, making every visit a memorable one.

Local tips in Settlement

  • Time your visit to coincide with the red crab migration, typically occurring between October and November.
  • Bring sturdy walking shoes for exploring the rugged terrain and rainforests around the town.
  • Visit the Christmas Island National Park for a guided tour to learn about the island's unique flora and fauna.
  • Sample the local seafood, especially the fresh fish and crab dishes, at the town's eateries.
  • Don't forget to pack insect repellent, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors.
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Popular Attractions in Settlement

  • Soon Tien Kong Temple

    Visit Soon Tien Kong Temple on Christmas Island for a tranquil and culturally rich experience amidst stunning natural beauty.

  • South Point Settlement Remains

    Discover the rich history of the South Point Settlement Remains on Christmas Island, where nature and heritage intertwine in a breathtaking landscape.

  • South Point Railway Station

    Discover the remnants of history at South Point Railway Station, a stunning landmark showcasing the rich transport heritage of Christmas Island.

Popular Experiences in Settlement

When is the best time to go to Settlement?

Temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)

Popular Hotels in Settlement

Local Phrases

    • HelloSalut
    • GoodbyeAurevoir
    • YesOui
    • NoNon
    • Please/You're welcomeS'il vous plaît/De rien
      [seel voo pleh/dee ryen]
    • Thank youMerci
    • Excuse me/SorryExcusez-moi/Désolé
      [ex-kew-zay mwa/day-zo-lay]
    • How are you?Comment ça va?
      [koh-mohn sah vah]
    • Fine. And you?Bien. Et toi?
      [byen/eh twah]
    • Do you speak English?Parlez-vous anglais?
      [par-lay voo ahn-glay]
    • I don't understandJe ne comprends pas
      [zhuh nuh kohm-prahnd pah]
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseJe voudrais voir la carte, s'il vous plaît
      [zhuh voo-dray vwahr lah kart, seel voo pleh]
    • I don't eat meatJe ne mange pas de viande
      [zhuh nuh mahnj pah duh vyand]
    • Cheers!Santé!
    • I would like to pay, pleaseJe voudrais payer, s'il vous plaît
      [zhuh voo-dray pay-ay, seel voo pleh]
    • Help!Au secours!
      [oh suh-coor]
    • Go away!Allez-vous en!
      [ah-lay voo zahn]
    • Call the Police!Appelez la police!
      [ah-pay-lay lah poh-lease]
    • Call a doctor!Appelez un médecin!
      [ah-pay-lay uhn may-sa-dan]
    • I'm lostJe suis perdu
      [zhuh swee pair-doo]
    • I'm illJe suis malade
      [zhuh swee mah-lahd]
    • I'd like to buy...Je voudrais acheter...
      [zhuh voo-dray ah-shetay]
    • I'm just lookingJe regarde juste
      [zhuh ruh-gard zhewst]
    • How much is it?Combien ça coûte?
      [kohm-byen sah koot]
    • That's too expensiveC'est trop cher
      [say troh shair]
    • Can you lower the price?Pouvez-vous baisser le prix?
      [poo-vay voo beh-say luh pree]
    • What time is it?Quelle heure est-il?
      [kel uhr eh-teel]
    • It's one o'clockIl est une heure
      [eel eh oon uhr]
    • Half past (10)Dix et demi
      [dee ay dem-ee]
    • MorningMatin
    • AfternoonAprès-midi
      [ah-pray mee-dee]
    • EveningSoir
    • YesterdayHier
    • TodayAujourd'hui
      [oh-zhoor dew-ee]
    • TomorrowDemain
    • 1Un
    • 2Deux
    • 3Trois
    • 4Quatre
    • 5Cinq
    • 6Six
    • 7Sept
    • 8Huit
    • 9Neuf
    • 10Dix
    • Where's a/the...?Où est...?
      [oo eh]
    • What's the address?Quelle est l'adresse?
      [kel eh la-dress]
    • Can you show me (on the map)?Pouvez-vous me montrer (sur la carte)?
      [poo-vay voo muh mohn-tray (surr lah kart)]
    • When's the next (bus)?Quand est le prochain (bus)?
      [kahnd eh luh proh-shain (bus)]
    • A ticket (to ....)Un billet (pour ....)
      [uhn bee-yay (poor)]

History of Settlement

  • Christmas Island was discovered on Christmas Day, 1643, by Captain William Mynors of the Royal Mary, an English East India Company vessel. The island remained largely uninhabited until the late 19th century when the British annexed it in 1888. The small settlement of 'Settlement' began to take shape as a strategic point for colonial interests.

  • In 1899, George Clunies-Ross, a Scottish businessman, discovered rich phosphate deposits on Christmas Island. This led to the establishment of phosphate mining operations, with Settlement becoming the central hub for mining activities. The influx of workers from China, Malaysia, and Singapore transformed the area into a bustling, multicultural community.

  • During World War II, Christmas Island and Settlement were occupied by Japanese forces from 1942 to 1945. The island's strategic position and phosphate resources made it a target. The local population endured hardships, and the infrastructure suffered significant damage. The end of the war saw the British reclaiming the island and initiating rebuilding efforts.

  • After World War II, the British resumed phosphate mining operations and began developing infrastructure in Settlement, including schools, medical facilities, and housing. In 1958, Christmas Island was transferred to Australian sovereignty, and self-governance was introduced. The local administration focused on improving living conditions and diversifying the economy.

  • Today, Settlement is a vibrant community reflecting the diverse cultural heritage of its inhabitants. The legacy of phosphate mining remains evident, but the area has also embraced tourism, driven by its unique natural beauty and rich history. The island's flora and fauna, particularly the red crab migration, attract visitors from around the world, making Settlement a key point of interest.

Settlement Essentials

  • Settlement in Christmas Island is accessible primarily by air. The island is served by Christmas Island Airport (XCH), which receives flights from Perth, Australia, and occasionally from other regional destinations. From the airport, you can take a taxi or rental car to reach Settlement, which is approximately a 20-minute drive away.
  • Transportation within Settlement is limited, so renting a car is the most convenient option for exploring the area. Taxis are also available but may require booking in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons. There is no public bus system, but some hotels provide shuttle services to key attractions and the airport.
  • The official currency on Christmas Island is the Australian Dollar (AUD). Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and larger shops, but it's advisable to carry some cash for smaller establishments and local markets. ATMs are available in Settlement, but it’s a good idea to withdraw enough cash before arriving, as machines can occasionally run out of money.
  • Settlement is generally a safe destination for tourists. However, as with any travel location, it's important to stay vigilant. Avoid walking alone at night and be cautious with your belongings in crowded areas. There are no specific high-crime areas targeting tourists, but it's always wise to stay aware of your surroundings.
  • In case of an emergency, dial 000 for immediate assistance on Christmas Island. The island has a hospital and a police station located in Settlement. Ensure you have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. For minor health issues, pharmacies are available where you can purchase over-the-counter medications.
  • Fashion: Do wear lightweight, casual clothing suitable for a tropical climate. Avoid overly revealing attire. Religion: Do respect local customs, especially if visiting places of worship. Public Transport: Do use hotel shuttle services where available. Don't expect a public bus system. Greetings: Do greet locals with a friendly 'hello' or a handshake. Eating & Drinking: Do try local dishes and fresh seafood. Don’t refuse food if offered by locals, as it is considered impolite.
  • To experience Settlement like a local, visit the local markets where you can buy fresh produce and unique island goods. Engage with the friendly residents, who are often willing to share stories about the island’s history and culture. Don’t miss exploring the natural beauty of the island, including the famous red crab migration and the pristine beaches. For a unique experience, take a guided tour of the island's natural and historical sites.