
Travel Guide to Poon Saan

Discover the vibrant culture and natural beauty of Poon Saan, a charming town on Christmas Island known for its rich heritage and welcoming community.

Poon Saan: A Gem on Christmas Island

Poon Saan is a charming town on Christmas Island, known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant community. This picturesque settlement offers a blend of natural beauty and cultural diversity, making it a unique destination for tourists. The town is nestled amid lush greenery and is just a short distance from some of the island's most stunning beaches. Take a stroll through Poon Saan's streets and you'll find an intriguing mix of Chinese, Malay, and Australian influences. The local markets are a must-visit, with stalls offering fresh produce, traditional crafts, and delicious street food. The town's community spirit is palpable, and visitors are often welcomed with open arms. Nature lovers will be in their element in Poon Saan. The town is surrounded by pristine rainforests, home to diverse flora and fauna. Hiking trails and bird-watching spots abound, offering plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the natural world. Don't miss the chance to explore the nearby beaches, where you can swim, snorkel, and relax on the golden sands.

Local tips in Poon Saan

  • Visit the local markets early in the morning for the freshest produce and unique crafts.
  • Bring comfortable walking shoes for exploring the town and surrounding nature trails.
  • Don't forget your snorkel gear; the nearby beaches offer excellent underwater experiences.
  • Engage with locals to learn more about the town's diverse cultural background.
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Popular Attractions in Poon Saan

  • Dolly Beach

    Experience the untouched beauty of Dolly Beach on Christmas Island, a serene escape for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

  • Greta Beach

    Explore the pristine beauty of Greta Beach on Christmas Island, a tranquil paradise perfect for relaxation and underwater adventures.

  • The Grotto

    Experience the breathtaking beauty of The Grotto, a hidden gem on Christmas Island, where adventure and tranquility meet in a tropical paradise.

Popular Experiences in Poon Saan

When is the best time to go to Poon Saan?

Temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)

Popular Hotels in Poon Saan

Local Phrases

    • HelloAllo
    • GoodbyeBa-bai
    • YesYa
    • NoNa
    • Please/You're welcomeJasmin
    • Thank youTerimah kasih
      [te-ree-mah ka-see]
    • Excuse me/SorryMa'af
    • How are you?Apa kabar?
      [ah-pah kah-bar]
    • Fine. And you?Baik. Dan kamu?
      [bah-eek. dahn kah-moo]
    • Do you speak English?Bisa bicara bahasa Inggris?
      [bee-sah bee-chah-rah bah-hah-sah ing-grees]
    • I don't understandSaya tidak mengerti
      [sah-yah tee-dahk muhn-gehr-tee]
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseSaya ingin lihat menu, tolong
      [sah-yah een-geen lee-haht meh-noo toh-long]
    • I don't eat meatSaya tidak makan daging
      [sah-yah tee-dahk mah-kahn dah-yihng]
    • Cheers!Selamat minum!
      [seh-lah-maht mee-noom]
    • I would like to pay, pleaseSaya ingin membayar, tolong
      [sah-yah een-geen mehm-bah-yahr toh-long]
    • Help!Tolong!
    • Go away!Pergi!
    • Call the Police!Panggil polisi!
      [pahng-geel poh-lee-see]
    • Call a doctor!Panggil dokter!
      [pahng-geel dohk-tehr]
    • I'm lostSaya tersesat
      [sah-yah tehr-suh-saht]
    • I'm illSaya sakit
      [sah-yah sah-keet]
    • I'd like to buy...Saya ingin membeli...
      [sah-yah een-geen mehm-beh-lee]
    • I'm just lookingSaya hanya melihat-lihat
      [sah-yah hahn-yah meh-lee-haht-lee-haht]
    • How much is it?Berapa harganya?
      [beh-rah-pah hahr-gahn-yah]
    • That's too expensiveItu terlalu mahal
      [ee-too tehr-lah-loo mah-hahl]
    • Can you lower the price?Bisa kurangi harganya?
      [bee-sah koo-rahn-gee hahr-gahn-yah]
    • What time is it?Jam berapa sekarang?
      [jahm beh-rah-pah seh-kah-rahn]
    • It's one o'clockSekarang pukul satu
      [seh-kah-rahn poo-kool sah-too]
    • Half past (10)Setengah sebelas
      [seh-tehn-gah se-beh-lahs]
    • MorningPagi
    • AfternoonSore
    • EveningMalam
    • YesterdayKemarin
    • TodayHari ini
      [hah-ree ee-nee]
    • TomorrowBesok
    • 1Satu
    • 2Dua
    • 3Tiga
    • 4Empat
    • 5Lima
    • 6Enam
    • 7Tujuh
    • 8Delapan
    • 9Sembilan
    • 10Sepuluh
    • Where's a/the...?Dimana...
    • What's the address?Apa alamatnya?
      [ah-pah ah-lah-maht-nyah]
    • Can you show me (on the map)?Bisa tunjukkan saya (di peta)?
      [bee-sah toon-jook-kahn sah-yah dee peh-tah]
    • When's the next (bus)?Kapan yang berikutnya (bis)?
      [kah-pahn yahng beh-ree-koot-nyah beess]
    • A ticket (to ....)Tiket (ke ....)
      [tee-keht (keh)]

History of Poon Saan

  • Poon Saan, a vibrant suburb of Christmas Island, was established during the 1950s. The name 'Poon Saan,' which means 'Halfway Up the Hill' in Cantonese, reflects its geographical position on the island. The area was originally settled by Chinese laborers who came to the island to work in the phosphate mines, contributing significantly to the local economy and cultural tapestry.

  • The discovery of phosphate on Christmas Island in the late 19th century led to an economic boom, with Poon Saan becoming a central hub for workers. The 1950s and 1960s saw an influx of migrants, particularly from Malaysia and Singapore, who were drawn by the promise of employment. The multicultural mix of the community began to solidify during this period, laying the foundation for Poon Saan's diverse cultural landscape.

  • Poon Saan's rich cultural heritage is celebrated through various festivals and traditions. The Chinese Lunar New Year is one of the most significant events, marked by vibrant dragon dances, lantern festivals, and communal feasts. The multicultural nature of the community also means that other celebrations, such as Hari Raya and Deepavali, are observed with equal enthusiasm, reflecting the suburb's inclusive spirit.

  • The architecture of Poon Saan is a testament to its historical and cultural evolution. Traditional Chinese shophouses with their distinctive features, such as tiled roofs and wooden shutters, stand alongside more modern structures. These buildings not only serve as homes and businesses but also as symbols of the enduring legacy of the early settlers and their influence on the community's aesthetic.

  • The late 20th century saw a decline in phosphate mining, which had been the lifeblood of Poon Saan and Christmas Island. This economic shift posed challenges for the community, leading to efforts to diversify the local economy. Despite these hardships, the resilience of the residents ensured that Poon Saan remained a vibrant and dynamic part of Christmas Island, adapting to new economic realities while preserving its cultural identity.

  • Today, Poon Saan is a thriving suburb that balances modernity with tradition. It has become a popular destination for tourists seeking an authentic cultural experience. Visitors can explore local markets, enjoy traditional cuisine, and participate in community events that showcase the rich heritage of the area. The suburb’s evolution into a cultural and historical hotspot demonstrates its ongoing significance on Christmas Island.

  • In recent years, Poon Saan has also become involved in environmental and conservation efforts. The community has recognized the importance of preserving the island's unique ecosystems, including its coral reefs and rainforests. Initiatives have been launched to promote sustainable practices and protect the natural beauty that surrounds Poon Saan, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy its pristine environment.

Poon Saan Essentials

  • Poon Saan is located on Christmas Island, an Australian territory in the Indian Ocean. The most common way to reach Christmas Island is by air. Flights are available from Perth, Australia, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Christmas Island Airport (XCH) is the main point of entry. From the airport, Poon Saan is a short taxi ride away.
  • Poon Saan is a small community, and most attractions are within walking distance. For longer journeys, taxis are available and relatively inexpensive. Car rentals are also an option for those who prefer to explore at their own pace. There is no public transport system on the island, so relying on taxis or rental cars is advisable.
  • The official currency on Christmas Island is the Australian Dollar (AUD). Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and shops, but it is advisable to carry some cash for smaller establishments. ATMs are available in Poon Saan, but it's a good idea to have sufficient cash before arriving, especially if you plan to visit more remote areas.
  • Christmas Island, including Poon Saan, is generally considered safe for tourists. Petty crime is rare, but standard precautions should still be taken. Avoid walking alone at night and keep an eye on your belongings in crowded areas. There are no specific high-crime areas targeting tourists, but it is always best to remain vigilant.
  • In case of emergency, dial 000 for immediate assistance. The local police station and medical facilities are available in Poon Saan. Make sure to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. For minor health issues, there are pharmacies where you can purchase over-the-counter medications.
  • Fashion: Do dress casually and comfortably, but avoid overly revealing clothing. Religion: Do respect local customs, especially if visiting religious sites. Remove your shoes before entering temples. Public Transport: Since there is no public transport, use taxis or rental cars respectfully. Greetings: Do greet locals with a smile or a nod. Formal greetings are not necessary. Eating & Drinking: Do try local dishes, and don't refuse food or drink offered by locals, as it is considered impolite.
  • To experience Poon Saan like a local, visit the local markets for fresh produce and island goods. Engage with residents, who are often friendly and willing to share stories about the island's history and culture. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore the natural beauty of Christmas Island, including its famous red crab migration and stunning beaches.