
Travel Guide to Beni Suef

Discover Beni Suef, a serene riverside city in Egypt, rich in ancient history and natural beauty, offering a unique blend of cultural experiences and tranquil landscapes.

Beni Suef: Egypt's Tranquil Riverside Gem

Beni Suef, nestled along the west bank of the Nile River, offers a tranquil escape from Egypt's bustling cities. Known for its rich history and lush landscapes, Beni Suef is a hidden gem waiting to be explored by travelers seeking a blend of culture and nature. The city is home to several ancient sites, including the ruins of Heracleopolis, the capital of Middle Egypt during the First Intermediate Period. These historical treasures provide a unique glimpse into Egypt's past, making Beni Suef a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Beyond its historical allure, Beni Suef boasts a serene natural beauty. The city's proximity to the Nile River allows visitors to enjoy picturesque views and relaxing boat rides. The local markets are vibrant and full of life, offering a chance to experience the authentic Egyptian lifestyle. Here, you can find handmade crafts, fresh produce, and traditional Egyptian cuisine that will tantalize your taste buds. Beni Suef is also a gateway to several natural reserves and parks, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. The Wadi Sannur Cave, located just a short drive from the city, is a breathtaking natural wonder with its stunning stalactite formations. Whether you're an adventurer, a history buff, or simply looking to unwind, Beni Suef provides a diverse range of activities to suit all interests.

Local tips in Beni Suef

  • Visit the local markets early in the morning for the freshest produce and unique handmade crafts.
  • Dress modestly, as Beni Suef is a more conservative area compared to larger Egyptian cities.
  • Hire a local guide when exploring historical sites to gain deeper insights into the city's rich past.
  • Take a boat ride on the Nile during sunset for breathtaking views and a peaceful experience.
  • Plan a day trip to the Wadi Sannur Cave for a stunning natural adventure.
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Popular Attractions in Beni Suef

  • كورنيش النيل ببني سويف

    Discover tranquility at Corniche El Nile in Beni Suef, a scenic park perfect for relaxation, picnics, and breathtaking views along the majestic Nile River.

  • Pyramid of Senusret II

    Explore the Pyramid of Senusret II in Faiyum, a hidden historical gem that invites you to discover the beauty of ancient Egyptian architecture.

  • حديقة النيل - Nile Park

    Experience the natural beauty and tranquility of Nile Park, a serene state park in Beni Suef perfect for relaxation and outdoor activities.

  • معبد حريشيف

    Explore the Temple of Harishef in Herakleopolis Magna, a captivating archaeological site that reveals ancient Egyptian history and culture.

  • حديقة عابدين

    Discover the tranquility of Abdeen Garden, a lush oasis in Beni Suef, perfect for relaxation and enjoying nature's beauty.

  • واحة المخلوف

    Explore the tranquil beauty of Wahat Al-Makhlouf, a lush garden oasis in Beni Suef, perfect for nature lovers and those seeking peace.

  • تمثال الامام البوصيري للفنان الدكتور محمد ماضى

    Discover the artistic beauty and cultural significance of the Imam Al-Busiri statue in Beni Suef, a must-see for every traveler.

  • جنينة عادل ونور

    Discover tranquility at جنينة عادل ونور, a beautiful garden in Beni Suef perfect for relaxation and nature lovers.

  • عزبه العميد ممدوح اسماعيل

    Discover the serene beauty of عزبه العميد ممدوح اسماعيل, a stunning garden oasis in Beni Suef Governorate perfect for relaxation and nature appreciation.

  • ميدان المديرية

    Discover the tranquil beauty of ميدان المديرية, a stunning garden in Beni Suef perfect for relaxation and nature photography.

  • ميدان الحمام

    Explore the beauty of ميدان الحمام, a tranquil park in Beni Suef perfect for relaxation and enjoying nature's serenity.

  • فيو لاند

    Explore Fiou Land in Beni Suef: A beautiful park where nature meets tranquility, perfect for family outings, picnics, and outdoor recreation.

  • ميدان

    Explore Midaan, a serene garden in Beni Suef, where natural beauty and tranquility come together for an unforgettable experience.

  • بورتو رحيل (M-ElSeyoufi)

    Discover the beauty of Porto Raheel Park, a serene escape in Beni Suef perfect for relaxation, picnics, and nature walks.

  • كورنيش النيل

    Experience tranquility at the Nile Corniche in Beni Suef, a perfect blend of nature and culture along the enchanting banks of the Nile River.

  • جزيرة أبوزيد

    Explore Abu Zaid Island: A serene park in Beni Suef Governorate, perfect for nature lovers and cultural enthusiasts alike.

  • رأس الوحيدة الحجري (الهيشة)

    Explore the stunning landscapes of Ras Al Wahida, a hiking haven in Beni Suef, perfect for adventurers and nature lovers alike.

  • مكتب زياد رجب

    Uncover the rich heritage of Beni Suef at the unique مكتب زياد رجب, a must-visit tourist attraction showcasing local culture and charm.

  • سواتر واحواض المهندس محمد شنرا

    Explore the serene beauty and cultural richness of سواتر واحواض المهندس محمد شنرا, a hidden gem in New Bani Suef City, Egypt.

  • Pyramid of Lahun

    Unveil the secrets of the ancient Pharaohs at the Pyramid of Lahun, a hidden treasure in Egypt's Faiyum Governorate, perfect for history enthusiasts.

  • سنور

    Explore سنور, a hidden gem in Beni Suef offering breathtaking landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality in Egypt.

  • حديقه ميدان مولد النبي

    Discover tranquility and natural beauty at Al-Hadiqa Midan Mawlid Al-Nabi, a serene garden in Beni Suef, Egypt, ideal for relaxation and cultural experiences.

  • حديقه العاب مرسيي النيل السياحي

    Experience tranquility at Al-Marsy Garden, a serene retreat in the heart of Beni Suef, perfect for nature lovers and peaceful escapes.

  • أرض ملك أحمد تمام

    Experience tranquility at أرض ملك أحمد تمام, a scenic park in Beni Suef, perfect for relaxation and family outings amidst nature's beauty.

  • ابو دياب

    Explore Abu Diyab, a breathtaking desert oasis in Bani Suef, where adventure meets tranquility amidst stunning landscapes.

  • مدفن أبو عمر

    Explore مدفن أبو عمر: A serene tourist attraction in Beni Suef showcasing Egypt's rich history and cultural heritage amidst stunning desert landscapes.

  • حديقة نيو شلال

    Experience the serene beauty of New Shalal Garden in Beni Suef, a hidden gem perfect for relaxation and nature walks.

  • الملط

    Explore the serene beauty of Al-Malt Park in Beni Suef, an oasis for relaxation and nature lovers in Egypt.

  • مزرعة الحاج مبروك

    Experience the tranquil beauty of Al-Haj Mabrouk Farm, a natural oasis in New Bani Suef, perfect for relaxation and exploration.

  • ديوان اللاهونيه

    Experience the rich culture and serene beauty of Diwan Al-Lahouniah in Nasser, a hidden gem in Egypt's Beni Suef Governorate.

  • ممش الكورنيش

    Discover the tranquil beauty of ممش الكورنيش, a serene garden in Beni Suef, offering lush landscapes and peaceful escapes for every visitor.

  • ابو صلعة

    Experience the tranquility of Abu Salha Park in Beni Suef, a nature lover's paradise perfect for relaxation and family outings.

  • ارض محمد صفى الدين محمد

    Explore the serene Garden of Mohammed Safi El-Din in Beni Suef, a tranquil oasis of lush greenery and vibrant flora, perfect for relaxation and cultural experiences.

  • حديقه شرق النيل

    Discover tranquility at Hadiqat Sharq Al-Nil, a serene park in New Bani Suef, perfect for leisure, relaxation, and enjoying nature's beauty.

  • جنينة الحاجري

    Explore the serene beauty of جنينة الحاجري in Beni Suef, where vibrant flora and tranquil pathways create the perfect escape into nature.

  • حديقة وقاعة ماربيلا

    Experience the beauty and tranquility of Marbella Garden and Hall in Beni Suef, a serene escape for nature lovers and event seekers.

Popular Experiences in Beni Suef

When is the best time to go to Beni Suef?

Temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)

Popular Hotels in Beni Suef

Local Phrases

    • Helloمرحبا
    • Goodbyeوداعا
    • Yesنعم
    • Noلا
    • Please/You're welcomeمن فضلك
      [Min fadlak]
    • Thank youشكرا
    • Excuse me/Sorryعذرا
    • How are you?كيف حالك؟
      [Kayfa halak?]
    • Fine. And you?بخير. وأنت؟
      [Bikhayr. Wa anta?]
    • Do you speak English?هل تتحدث الإنجليزية؟
      [Hal tatahadath al-ingliziya?]
    • I don't understandأنا لا أفهم
      [Ana la afham]
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseأرغب في رؤية القائمة، من فضلك
      [Arghab fi ru'yat al-qa'ima, min fadlak]
    • I don't eat meatأنا لا آكل اللحم
      [Ana la aakul al-lahm]
    • Cheers!في صحتك!
      [Fi sahtak!]
    • I would like to pay, pleaseأود أن أدفع، من فضلك
      [Aawad an adfa', min fadlak]
    • Help!النجدة!
    • Go away!انصرف!
    • Call the Police!اتصل بالشرطة!
      [Itsal bialshurta!]
    • Call a doctor!اتصل بطبيب!
      [Itsal bithibb!]
    • I'm lostلقد ضاعت طريقي
      [Lakad da'at tariqi]
    • I'm illأنا مريض
      [Ana mareed]
    • I'd like to buy...أود أن أشتري...
      [Aawad an ashtari...]
    • I'm just lookingأنا فقط أتفرج
      [Ana faqat atfarrag]
    • How much is it?بكم ثمنه؟
      [Bikam thamanuh?]
    • That's too expensiveهذا غالي جدا
      [Hatha ghali jiddan]
    • Can you lower the price?هل يمكنك خفض السعر؟
      [Hal yumkinuk khafd al-si'ar?]
    • What time is it?كم الساعة؟
      [Kam al-sa'ah?]
    • It's one o'clockالساعة الواحدة
      [Al-sa'ah al-wahida]
    • Half past (10)النصف بعد (العاشرة)
      [Al-nisf ba'd (al-ashirah)]
    • Morningالصباح
    • Afternoonالظهر
    • Eveningالمساء
    • Yesterdayالأمس
    • Todayاليوم
    • Tomorrowغدا
    • 1واحد
    • 2اثنان
    • 3ثلاثة
    • 4أربعة
    • 5خمسة
    • 6ستة
    • 7سبعة
    • 8ثمانية
    • 9تسعة
    • 10عشرة
    • Where's a/the...?أين...؟
    • What's the address?ما هو العنوان؟
      [Ma huwa al-unnwan?]
    • Can you show me (on the map)?هل يمكنك أن تريني (على الخريطة)؟
      [Hal yumkinuk an tureeni (ala al-khariita)?]
    • When's the next (bus)?متى يأتي الحافلة التالية؟
      [Mata ya'ti al-hafilah al-taliyah?]
    • A ticket (to ....)تذكرة (إلى...)
      [Tazkirah (ila...)]

History of Beni Suef

  • Beni Suef, located in Middle Egypt, traces its roots back to ancient times. The region was once part of the larger civilization that thrived along the Nile River. It served as an important agricultural hub due to its fertile lands. The city is believed to have connections with the ancient city of Heracleopolis, an influential center during the First Intermediate Period of Egypt.

  • During the Islamic era, Beni Suef experienced significant cultural and architectural developments. The city became a notable center for Islamic learning and scholarship. Several mosques and religious schools were established, contributing to its reputation as a hub for Islamic culture and education. The remnants of these structures still stand today, offering a glimpse into the city’s rich Islamic heritage.

  • Under Ottoman rule, Beni Suef continued to thrive as a regional center. The city saw the construction of new buildings and infrastructure, enhancing its status within the Ottoman Empire. The influence of Ottoman architecture can still be seen in some of the older structures in the city. This period also marked an era of increased trade and economic activity, further cementing Beni Suef's importance in the region.

  • In recent times, Beni Suef has undergone significant modernization and development. The construction of the Beni Suef University and various industrial projects has transformed the city into an educational and economic hub. The city's landscape has been reshaped with new buildings, roads, and facilities, reflecting its growth and progress in the contemporary era.

  • Beni Suef boasts a rich cultural heritage that includes traditional crafts, music, and festivals. The city's artisans are known for their skills in pottery, weaving, and other crafts, which have been passed down through generations. Local festivals and events celebrate this heritage, offering visitors a chance to experience the vibrant cultural life of Beni Suef.

Beni Suef Essentials

  • Beni Suef is located approximately 120 kilometers south of Cairo, Egypt. The easiest way to get there is by train from Cairo's Ramses Station, with regular services taking around 1.5 to 2 hours. Alternatively, you can take a long-distance bus from Cairo or other major cities. For those who prefer driving, renting a car is also an option, with a straightforward drive via the Cairo-Aswan Desert Road.
  • Within Beni Suef, local taxis and minibuses (known as 'microbuses') are the primary forms of transportation. Taxis are relatively inexpensive, but it's advisable to agree on the fare before starting your journey. Microbuses follow specific routes and are a budget-friendly option. For short distances, tuk-tuks are also available. Renting a car can provide more flexibility for exploring the surrounding areas.
  • The official currency in Egypt is the Egyptian Pound (EGP). While credit cards are accepted in some hotels, restaurants, and larger shops, cash is still king, especially in smaller establishments and markets. ATMs are available throughout Beni Suef, but it's wise to carry enough cash for small purchases and tipping. Currency exchange services are available in banks and some hotels.
  • Beni Suef is generally considered a safe destination, but standard precautions should be taken. Avoid walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas and keep an eye on your belongings in crowded places. Petty crimes like pickpocketing can occur, particularly in busy markets. Areas with higher crime rates include some of the outskirts and less developed neighborhoods. It is advisable to stay in well-lit and populated areas.
  • In case of emergency, dial 122 for police assistance, 123 for medical emergencies, and 180 for fire services. Beni Suef has several hospitals and medical clinics, including the Beni Suef University Hospital, which provides comprehensive medical services. Pharmacies are readily available for minor health issues and over-the-counter medications. Having travel insurance that covers medical emergencies is strongly recommended.
  • Fashion: Do dress conservatively, especially when visiting religious sites. Women should cover their shoulders and knees. Avoid wearing revealing clothing. Religion: Do show respect for local customs. Remove your shoes when entering mosques. Avoid public displays of affection. Public Transport: Do be polite and give up your seat to elderly passengers. Don't eat or drink on public transport. Greetings: Do greet people with a handshake. Use the right hand or both hands when offering something. Eating & Drinking: Do try local cuisines and accept food offerings graciously. Don’t refuse hospitality, as it is considered impolite.
  • To experience Beni Suef like a local, visit the traditional markets (souks) where you can buy fresh produce and local crafts. Engage with the locals, who are often friendly and willing to share stories about their culture and history. Don't miss a visit to the nearby Fayoum Oasis and its stunning natural landscapes. For a unique experience, attend a local festival or celebration to immerse yourself in the local culture.