
Travel Guide to Malkerns

Discover Malkerns: Eswatini's Cultural and Natural Paradise, Where Traditional Crafts, Scenic Landscapes, and Vibrant Arts Await.

Malkerns: The Cultural Heart of Eswatini

Nestled in the lush heart of Eswatini, Malkerns is a hidden gem that offers a unique blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty. Surrounded by rolling hills and fertile valleys, this small yet vibrant town is a haven for those seeking an authentic Swazi experience. Malkerns is home to a variety of traditional craft markets where visitors can purchase hand-woven baskets, vibrant textiles, and intricate beadwork, all created by local artisans. The lively markets are not just a place to shop but also a window into the rich traditions of the Swazi people. In addition to its cultural offerings, Malkerns boasts stunning natural landscapes that are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. The nearby Malolotja Nature Reserve offers hiking trails with breathtaking views, diverse flora and fauna, and the thrilling canopy tour for the adventurous. The lush Malkerns Valley is also famous for its pineapple plantations, and a visit to one of these farms offers a refreshing taste of the region’s agricultural bounty. Malkerns is also a hub for arts and music. The House on Fire, an eclectic arts venue, hosts the annual Bushfire Festival, which attracts artists and audiences from around the world. This vibrant event celebrates music, performance, and creative expression, making it a must-visit for anyone traveling to Eswatini. Whether you're exploring its cultural markets, hiking its scenic trails, or enjoying a world-class festival, Malkerns offers a rich and diverse experience that will leave you enchanted.

Local tips in Malkerns

  • Visit the craft markets early in the morning to avoid crowds and get the best selection of handmade goods.
  • Bring comfortable hiking shoes for exploring the trails in Malolotja Nature Reserve.
  • Check the dates for the Bushfire Festival and book accommodations in advance, as it is a popular event.
  • Try the local pineapple; it's one of the sweetest and freshest you'll ever taste.
  • Engage with local artisans at the markets to learn more about Swazi culture and traditions.
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Popular Attractions in Malkerns

  • Mantenga Cultural Village

    Explore the heart of Swazi culture at Mantenga Cultural Village, where vibrant traditions come alive through music, dance, and authentic experiences.

  • House On Fire / Malandelas Restaurant

    Discover the vibrant culture and delicious cuisine at House On Fire / Malandelas Restaurant, a must-visit cultural hub in Eswatini.

  • Mkhaya Game Reserve

    Experience the unrivaled natural beauty and wildlife of Mkhaya Game Reserve in Eswatini, a true gem for nature lovers and adventurers.

  • Sibebe Rock

    Discover the breathtaking beauty of Sibebe Rock, Eswatini's largest granite dome and a vibrant nature preserve offering stunning views and diverse wildlife.

  • Hawane Nature Reserve

    Explore the stunning Hawane Nature Reserve in Eswatini, a tranquil haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

  • Nkoyoyohiking Spot

    Explore the breathtaking Nkoyoyo Hiking Spot in Eswatini, where nature meets adventure in a stunning outdoor experience.

  • Malandelas Complex

    Discover the serene charm of Malandelas Complex in Eswatini, where comfort meets nature in a breathtaking botanical setting.

  • Nsangwini

    Explore the vibrant cultural heritage and artistic treasures of Nsangwini, a must-visit museum and tourist attraction in Eswatini.

  • Malolotja Falls

    Experience the breathtaking beauty of Malolotja Falls in Eswatini's scenic nature reserve, a must-visit for every nature enthusiast and adventurer.

  • Nsangwini Rock Art

    Discover the rich cultural heritage of Nsangwini Rock Art, an ancient site showcasing breathtaking rock engravings in the heart of Eswatini.

  • Mt. Emlembe

    Experience breathtaking views and rich culture at Mt. Emlembe, Eswatini's highest peak, perfect for adventurers and nature lovers alike.

  • Stephen

    Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity of Stephen Nature Preserve, a tranquil escape in Mbabane, Eswatini.

Popular Experiences in Malkerns

When is the best time to go to Malkerns?

Temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)

Popular Hotels in Malkerns

Local Phrases

    • HelloSawubona
    • GoodbyeHamba kahle
      [Ham-bah kah-leh]
    • YesYebo
    • NoCha
    • Please/You're welcomeNgiyacela
    • Thank youNgiyabonga
    • Excuse me/SorryUxolo
    • How are you?Unjani?
    • Fine. And you?Ngiyaphila. Wena?
      [Ngee-ya-pee-lah. Weh-nah]
    • Do you speak English?Ukhuluma isiNgisi?
      [Oo-koo-loo-mah iss-ee-ngi-see]
    • I don't understandAngifuni
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseNgicela ukubona imenyu, Ngiyacela
      [Ngee-ceh-lah oo-koo-boh-nah ee-men-yoo, Ngee-ya-ceh-lah]
    • I don't eat meatAngiyi kudla inkomo
      [Ah-ngi-yee koo-dlah een-koh-moh]
    • Cheers!Ongakhale
    • I would like to pay, pleaseNgicela ukufaka, Ngiyacela
      [Ngee-ceh-lah oo-koo-fah-kah, Ngee-ya-ceh-lah]
    • Help!Usizo!
    • Go away!Hamba!
    • Call the Police!Vula amaphoyisa!
      [Voo-lah ah-mah-poh-yee-sah]
    • Call a doctor!Vula umdokotela!
      [Voo-lah oom-doh-koh-teh-lah]
    • I'm lostNgishoda
    • I'm illNgizwa
    • I'd like to buy...Ngicela ukuthenga...
      [Ngee-ceh-lah oo-koo-teh-ngah]
    • I'm just lookingNgicela ukubuka kuphela
      [Ngee-ceh-lah oo-koo-boo-kah koo-peh-lah]
    • How much is it?Kuyini lokhu?
      [Koo-yee-nee loh-koo]
    • That's too expensiveLokhu kungakhihlani
      [Loh-koo koo-nga-khee-lah-nee]
    • Can you lower the price?Ungasusa imali?
      [Oo-nga-soo-sah ee-mah-lee]
    • What time is it?Ngubani usuku lwesikhathi?
      [Ngoo-bah-nee oo-soo-koo lwe-see-kah-tee]
    • It's one o'clockKuyisikhombisa esisodwa
      [Koo-yee-see-khohm-bee-sah eh-see-sohd-wah]
    • Half past (10)Kwesikhathi sangasese (10)
      [Kwe-see-kah-tee sah-nga-seh-seh (10)]
    • MorningEmini
    • AfternoonNtambama
    • EveningSiswati
    • YesterdayNtfo
    • TodayNamuhla
    • TomorrowKusasa
    • 1Kunye
    • 2Kubili
    • 3Kuthathu
    • 4Kune
    • 5Kuhlanu
    • 6Kusihlanu
    • 7Kusisibhozo
    • 8Kusisombili
    • 9Kusitfupha
    • 10Kusipha
    • Where's a/the...?Kuphi...
    • What's the address?Leli bhalo kuyini?
      [Leh-lee bah-loh koo-yee-nee]
    • Can you show me (on the map)?Ungangibonisa (emaphini)?
      [Oo-ngah-ngi-boh-nee-sah (eh-mah-pee-nee)]
    • When's the next (bus)?Kuphi isithutha esilandelayo?
      [Koo-pee ee-see-too-thah eh-see-lahn-deh-yoh]
    • A ticket (to ....)Ithikithi (ku....)
      [Ee-tee-kee-thee (koo)]

History of Malkerns

  • Malkerns, located in the lush Ezulwini Valley of Eswatini, was founded in the early 20th century. The area was named after its first European settler, James Malkern, who established a farm in the region. Over time, Malkerns evolved from a small agricultural settlement into a vibrant community known for its fertile lands and scenic beauty.

  • Malkerns has long been recognized for its agricultural potential. The fertile soil and favorable climate made it an ideal location for farming. The establishment of commercial farms in the mid-20th century, particularly those focusing on sugarcane and pineapple cultivation, significantly contributed to the region's economic growth. The presence of the Malkerns Research Station further advanced agricultural practices through research and innovation.

  • Malkerns is culturally significant within Eswatini due to its role in promoting and preserving Swazi traditions. The annual Bushfire Festival, held at the House on Fire venue, has become a major cultural event, attracting local and international artists and visitors. This festival celebrates Swazi music, arts, and culture, fostering a sense of community and cultural pride among attendees.

  • In recent decades, Malkerns has experienced modernization while retaining its rural charm. The area has seen the development of infrastructure, including improved roads and utilities, enhancing the quality of life for residents. Additionally, tourism has flourished, with attractions such as the Malandela's Center and various craft markets drawing visitors eager to experience the local culture and natural beauty.

  • Malkerns is also known for its commitment to environmental conservation. The Malkerns Valley Conservation Area was established to protect the region's diverse flora and fauna. Community-led initiatives focus on sustainable farming practices and the preservation of natural resources, ensuring that Malkerns remains a green and ecologically balanced region for future generations.

Malkerns Essentials

  • Malkerns is located in the Manzini Region of Eswatini. The nearest international airport is King Mswati III International Airport, approximately 50 kilometers away. From the airport, you can take a taxi or arrange for a shuttle service to Malkerns. Alternatively, you can drive yourself if you rent a car at the airport. The journey typically takes around 45 minutes by road.
  • Malkerns is a relatively small town, and many of its attractions are accessible by walking or cycling. For longer distances, local taxis are available and reasonably priced. There are also minibus taxis that connect Malkerns with nearby towns and cities. Renting a car can be a convenient option for exploring the surrounding areas at your own pace.
  • The official currency in Eswatini is the Swazi Lilangeni (SZL), which is pegged to the South African Rand (ZAR). Both currencies are used interchangeably. Credit cards are accepted in some hotels, restaurants, and shops, but it is advisable to carry cash, especially in smaller establishments and rural areas. ATMs are available in Malkerns.
  • Malkerns is generally a safe destination for tourists. However, like any travel destination, it is advisable to take standard precautions. Avoid walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas and keep an eye on your belongings in crowded places. While Malkerns does not have specific high-crime areas targeting tourists, it is always best to stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings.
  • In case of emergency, dial 999 for immediate assistance. The local police station and medical facilities are available in Malkerns. It is recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. For minor health issues, there are pharmacies in the town where you can purchase over-the-counter medications.
  • Fashion: Do dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. Avoid wearing revealing clothing. Religion: Do respect local customs and traditions. Always cover your head when entering churches and traditional homesteads. Public Transport: Do be respectful and give up your seat to elderly passengers. Don’t eat or drink on public transport. Greetings: Do greet people with a handshake and a warm smile. It is customary to greet everyone when you enter a room. Eating & Drinking: Do try local delicacies and accept food offerings graciously. Don’t refuse hospitality, as it is considered impolite.
  • To experience Malkerns like a local, visit the Malkerns Market where you can buy fresh produce and traditional Swazi crafts. Engage with locals, who are often friendly and willing to share stories about their culture and traditions. Don’t miss visiting the House on Fire, a unique cultural venue that hosts music and arts festivals. For a unique experience, take a tour of the local sugarcane fields and learn about the region's agricultural heritage.