
Travel Guide to Uralsk

Explore Uralsk: A historic city in Kazakhstan offering rich culture, beautiful landscapes, and unique experiences for travelers seeking an authentic adventure.

Discover the Charm of Uralsk: Kazakhstan's Hidden Gem

Uralsk, also known as Oral, is a city in western Kazakhstan that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Situated near the Ural River, Uralsk is an ideal destination for travelers seeking an off-the-beaten-path adventure. The city boasts a rich history dating back to its founding in 1613 by Russian settlers. This historical depth is evident in its well-preserved architecture, including beautiful Orthodox churches and charming old houses. Uralsk's cultural scene is vibrant, with numerous museums and theaters showcasing the region's history and artistic talent. The Uralsk Regional History Museum is a must-visit, offering fascinating exhibits on local history and culture. For those interested in performing arts, the Pushkin Drama Theater provides a glimpse into the city's thriving cultural life. Nature enthusiasts will also find plenty to explore in and around Uralsk. The Ural River offers opportunities for fishing, boating, and picnicking along its scenic banks. Just a short drive from the city, the picturesque landscapes of the West Kazakhstan region await, perfect for hiking and nature photography. Uralsk is a city that promises a memorable experience for every traveler. Whether you're a history buff, a culture enthusiast, or a nature lover, Uralsk has something special to offer.

Local tips in Uralsk

  • Bring comfortable walking shoes to explore the city's historic sites and natural surroundings.
  • Visit the Uralsk Regional History Museum early in your trip to gain a deeper understanding of the city's past.
  • Check local schedules for performances at the Pushkin Drama Theater to experience the local arts scene.
  • Plan a day trip to the Ural River for a relaxing picnic and nature activities.
  • Learn a few basic phrases in Russian or Kazakh to communicate better with locals.
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Popular Attractions in Uralsk

  • Kirov Park

    Experience the beauty and tranquility of Kirov Park, a lush urban park in Uralsk, perfect for relaxation, recreation, and cultural exploration.

  • Museum of Pugachev

    Explore the Museum of Pugachev in Uralsk, a cultural gem that reveals the intriguing history of Kazakhstan and its legendary figures.

  • Natural History Museum

    Explore the Natural History Museum in Uralsk: A Journey Through Kazakhstan's Rich Biodiversity and Geological Heritage.

  • Park Hotel Uralsk

    Experience tranquility and modern comforts at Park Hotel Uralsk, your gateway to relaxation and entertainment in the heart of Kazakhstan.

  • Pushkin Museum

    Explore the Pushkin Museum in Uralsk for a deep dive into Kazakhstan's cultural history and the legacy of Alexander Pushkin.

  • Philharmonic

    Discover the cultural pulse of Uralsk at the Philharmonic Concert Hall, where music transcends boundaries and ignites the soul.

  • Museum Of Manshuk Mametova

    Explore the inspiring legacy of Manshuk Mametova at the Museum of Manshuk Mametova in Uralsk, a cultural gem celebrating heroism and history.

  • Абай ескерткіші

    Discover the Abai Monument in Uralsk, a stunning tribute to Kazakhstan's cultural heritage and the legacy of the great poet Abai Kunanbayev.

  • Karev House

    Explore the captivating Karev House, a historical landmark in Uralsk, showcasing the region's rich heritage and architectural beauty.

  • My Kids Oral

    Experience unforgettable family fun and adventure at My Kids Oral amusement park in Uralsk, where joy and laughter come alive.

  • Oral legend

    Explore the rich tapestry of Uralsk's heritage at the Oral legend, where captivating folklore and engaging storytelling create an unforgettable cultural experience.

  • Ескі Орал мұражайы

    Explore the rich cultural heritage of Uralsk at Ескі Орал мұражайы, where history comes alive through fascinating exhibits.

  • Khanskaya Roshcha

    Experience the tranquil beauty of Khanskaya Roshcha, a perfect park for relaxation, nature walks, and community events in Uralsk.

  • Қадыр Мырза Әлі ескерткіші

    Explore the Qadir Myrza Ali Monument in Uralsk, a tribute to Kazakh literature and culture, surrounded by serene landscapes and rich history.

  • Дом купцов Ванюшиных, 1870

    Explore the stunning architecture and rich history of the Дом купцов Ванюшиных in Uralsk, a must-visit landmark for all travelers.

  • Государственное коммунальное предприятие «Городской парк культуры и отдыха

    Explore the lush landscapes and family-friendly atmosphere of Uralsk's City Park, your ultimate destination for relaxation and recreation.

Popular Experiences in Uralsk

When is the best time to go to Uralsk?

Temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)

Popular Hotels in Uralsk

Local Phrases

    • HelloСәлем
    • GoodbyeҚоштасу бойынша
      [Qoshtasu boiynsha]
    • YesИя
    • NoЖоқ
    • Please/You're welcomeРахмет
    • Thank youРахмет
    • Excuse me/SorryКешіріңіз
    • How are you?Сіздің жағдайыңыз қалай?
      [Sizdin zhaǵdayyńyz qalay?]
    • Fine. And you?Жақсым. Сізді?
      [Zhaqsym. Sizdi?]
    • Do you speak English?Сіз ағылшын тілінде сөйлейсіз пе?
      [Siz agylshyn tilinde söylesiz pe?]
    • I don't understandМен түсінбеймін
      [Men tüsinbeymin]
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseМенюге қарау керек, рахмет
      [Menyuge qarau kerek, rakhmet]
    • I don't eat meatМен мәсіт тамақ ішпеймін
      [Men mäsit tamaq ishpeymin]
    • Cheers!Тауыспақ!
    • I would like to pay, pleaseТөлеуге беріңіз, рахмет
      [Töleuge beriniz, rakhmet]
    • Help!Көмек!
    • Go away!Ауыр жібер!
      [Awır jiber!]
    • Call the Police!Полицияға қоңырау шақыру!
      [Politsiyaga qońırau shaqıru!]
    • Call a doctor!Докторға қоңырау шақыру!
      [Doktorga qońırau shaqıru!]
    • I'm lostМен алысқанмын
      [Men alysqanmın]
    • I'm illМен аурулымын
      [Men awrulımın]
    • I'd like to buy...Мен сатып алғым келеді...
      [Men satıp algım keledi...]
    • I'm just lookingМен тек көремін
      [Men tek köremin]
    • How much is it?Ол қанша болады?
      [Ol qansha bolady?]
    • That's too expensiveОл тым де қымбат
      [Ol tım de qımbat]
    • Can you lower the price?Сіз бағаны төмендете аласыз бе?
      [Siz bağanı tömendete alasız be?]
    • What time is it?Сағат неше?
      [Saǵat neshe?]
    • It's one o'clockБір сағат
      [Bir saǵat]
    • Half past (10)Онда толған
      [Onda tolǵan]
    • MorningТаң
    • AfternoonКүнортасы
    • EveningКеш
    • YesterdayКеше
    • TodayБүгін
    • TomorrowЕртең
    • 1Бір
    • 2Екі
    • 3Үш
    • 4Төрт
    • 5Бес
    • 6Алты
    • 7Жеті
    • 8Сегіз
    • 9Тоғыз
    • 10Он
    • Where's a/the...?...қайда?
    • What's the address?Мекен-жайы қандай?
      [Meken-jayı qanday?]
    • Can you show me (on the map)?Маған (картада) көрсете аласыз бе?
      [Maǵan (kartada) körsete alasız be?]
    • When's the next (bus)?Келесі (автобус) не уақытта?
      [Kelesi (avtobus) ne waqtta?]
    • A ticket (to ....)Билет (...ға)
      [Bilet (...ǵa)]

History of Uralsk

  • Uralsk, known locally as Oral, was founded in 1613 by Cossacks fleeing from the oppressive rule of the Tsar in Russia. They established the town at the confluence of the Ural and Chagan rivers, creating a strategic fortress that would become a key location for trade and military activities. The settlement originally served as a fort to protect the region against nomadic tribes and played a crucial role in the expansion of Russian influence in Central Asia.

  • Uralsk played a significant role during the Pugachev Rebellion (1773-1775), led by Yemelyan Pugachev, a Cossack who claimed to be the deceased Tsar Peter III. The city was one of the major strongholds of the rebellion, and it witnessed intense battles between Pugachev's forces and the Imperial Russian Army. The rebellion was eventually crushed, but the events left a lasting mark on the city's history, highlighting the Cossack spirit of resistance and the complex dynamics between the Russian Empire and its frontier territories.

  • During World War II, known in the former Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War, Uralsk became a vital center for the war effort. The city hosted several evacuated industries and provided essential supplies and equipment for the Soviet military. Many residents of Uralsk joined the Red Army, and the city also served as a place of refuge for people displaced by the war. This period highlighted the resilience and contribution of Uralsk to the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany.

  • After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Uralsk, like many other cities in Kazakhstan, underwent significant changes. The city transitioned from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented one, which brought both challenges and opportunities. Uralsk has since developed its infrastructure, diversified its economy, and embraced its cultural heritage, becoming a vibrant city that reflects the dynamic history and future of Kazakhstan. The transformation period is marked by efforts to modernize while preserving the rich historical legacy of the region.

Uralsk Essentials

  • Uralsk, also known as Oral, is located in the West Kazakhstan Region. The nearest international airport is Oral Ak Zhol Airport (URA), which is about 15 kilometers from the city center. Flights from major cities in Kazakhstan and some international destinations are available. Alternatively, you can reach Uralsk by train from cities like Almaty, Nur-Sultan, and Atyrau. Buses and shared taxis are also options for those traveling from nearby regions.
  • Uralsk has a well-developed public transportation system, including buses and minibuses (marshrutkas) that cover most parts of the city. Taxis are readily available and relatively inexpensive. For a more flexible option, car rentals are available at the airport and in the city center. Bicycles can also be rented for exploring the city at a leisurely pace.
  • The official currency in Kazakhstan is the Kazakhstani Tenge (KZT). Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and larger shops, but it is advisable to carry cash for smaller establishments and markets. ATMs are plentiful in Uralsk, and currency exchange services are available at banks and exchange offices.
  • Uralsk is generally a safe city for tourists, but standard precautions should be taken. Avoid walking alone at night, especially in poorly lit areas. Keep an eye on your belongings in crowded places like markets and public transport. Areas around the train station and some older neighborhoods may have higher incidences of petty crime, so staying vigilant is advised.
  • In case of emergency, dial 112 for police, medical, or fire assistance. The local police station and several hospitals are available in Uralsk. It is recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. Pharmacies are easily found throughout the city for minor health issues and over-the-counter medications.
  • Fashion: Do dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. Avoid wearing overly revealing clothing. Religion: Do respect local customs and traditions. Remove your shoes and cover your head when entering mosques. Public Transport: Do be respectful to other passengers. Offer your seat to elderly people and avoid loud conversations. Greetings: Do greet people with a handshake. A slight bow of the head is also a sign of respect. Eating & Drinking: Do try local Kazakh delicacies and accept food offerings graciously. Don’t refuse hospitality, as it is considered impolite.
  • To experience Uralsk like a local, visit the city’s bazaars where you can buy fresh produce and traditional Kazakh goods. Engage with locals, as they are often friendly and willing to share stories about the city’s history and culture. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the Ural River, which offers beautiful views and recreational activities. For a unique experience, attend a local festival or cultural event to immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions of the region.