
Travel Guide to Ordino

Discover the charm of Ordino, Andorra's hidden gem, where history, nature, and culture blend seamlessly in a picturesque mountain setting.

Ordino: The Tranquil Heart of Andorra

Nestled in the Pyrenees, Ordino is Andorra's hidden gem. This quaint village offers a perfect blend of serene landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. Whether you're interested in hiking through lush valleys, exploring ancient architecture, or delving into local traditions, Ordino has something for everyone. Ordino's picturesque streets are lined with charming stone buildings and inviting cafes. The town is home to several museums, including the Areny-Plandolit House Museum, which offers a glimpse into the life of Andorran nobility. For nature enthusiasts, the Sorteny Valley Nature Park is a must-visit, boasting diverse flora and fauna and stunning mountain views. The culinary scene in Ordino is another highlight. Traditional Andorran dishes, such as trinxat and escudella, can be savored in cozy restaurants that pride themselves on using local ingredients. The town also hosts various cultural events throughout the year, ensuring there's always something to experience no matter when you visit.

Local tips in Ordino

  • Visit the Areny-Plandolit House Museum early to avoid crowds and enjoy a quieter experience.
  • Bring comfortable hiking shoes for exploring the beautiful trails in Sorteny Valley Nature Park.
  • Try local Andorran dishes at small, family-owned restaurants for an authentic culinary experience.
  • Check the local event calendar to catch cultural festivities and traditional celebrations during your visit.
  • Pack layers of clothing, as the weather can change quickly in the mountains.
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Popular Attractions in Ordino

  • Rec del Solà Trail

    Discover the breathtaking Rec del Solà Trail in Andorra la Vella, a perfect blend of nature and adventure for all hiking enthusiasts.

  • Església de Sant Martí de la Cortinada

    Explore the historic Església de Sant Martí de la Cortinada, a serene Catholic church nestled in the breathtaking Pyrenees of Andorra.

  • Pont d'Engordany

    Experience the architectural beauty and breathtaking views at Pont d'Engordany, a must-visit bridge in the heart of Andorra.

  • Cal Pal

    Explore Cal Pal Museum in La Cortinada, a captivating destination showcasing Andorra's rich cultural heritage through fascinating exhibits and artifacts.

  • Andorra Freetours

    Discover Andorra's breathtaking landscapes and rich culture with Andorra Freetours, your gateway to an unforgettable adventure.

  • Bosc Viu

    Immerse yourself in contemporary art at Bosc Viu, a serene museum in Ordino, showcasing innovative works surrounded by breathtaking landscapes.

  • Font de La Closa

    Explore the serene beauty of Font de La Closa, a hidden gem in Les Escaldes offering breathtaking trails and tranquil nature experiences.

  • Pic de la Serrera - 2.912 m

    Explore the breathtaking heights of Pic de la Serrera, a premier hiking destination in the Pyrenees, offering stunning views and thrilling adventures.

  • Gran Valira river

    Explore the stunning Gran Valira River in Andorra, a serene natural wonder perfect for relaxation, adventure, and cultural experiences.

  • Rambla Molines

    Experience the vibrant charm of Rambla Molines, a must-visit tourist attraction in Andorra la Vella, infused with culture, shopping, and stunning mountain views.

  • Komnata Quest Room Escape - Andorra

    Experience the thrill of puzzle-solving and teamwork at Komnata Quest Room Escape in Andorra la Vella - an unforgettable adventure awaits!

  • Escultura Tan sols Tu | Escaldes-Engordany

    Discover the artistic charm of 'Escultura Tan sols Tu', a must-visit sculpture in Escaldes-Engordany surrounded by stunning Pyrenean scenery.

  • TC10 El Tarter (Telecabina)

    Experience the thrill of skiing at TC10 El Tarter in Andorra; a stunning lift connecting you to breathtaking slopes and picturesque mountain views.

Popular Experiences in Ordino

When is the best time to go to Ordino?

Temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)

Popular Hotels in Ordino

Local Phrases

    • HelloHola
    • GoodbyeAdéu
    • Yes
    • NoNo
    • Please/You're welcomeSi us plau
      [see oos plow]
    • Thank youGràcies
    • Excuse me/SorryPerdó
    • How are you?Com estàs?
      [kohm ehs-tahs]
    • Fine. And you?Bé. I tu?
      [beh ee too]
    • Do you speak English?Parles anglès?
      [pahr-lehs ahn-glehs]
    • I don't understandNo entenc
      [noh ehn-tehnk]
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseVoldria veure la carta, si us plau
      [vohl-dree-ah veh-oo-reh lah kahr-tah, see oos plow]
    • I don't eat meatNo menjo carn
      [noh mehn-joh kahrn]
    • Cheers!Salut!
    • I would like to pay, pleaseVoldria pagar, si us plau
      [vohl-dree-ah pah-gahr, see oos plow]
    • Help!Ajuda!
    • Go away!Ves-te'n!
    • Call the Police!Truca a la policia!
      [troo-kah ah lah poh-lee-see-ah]
    • Call a doctor!Truca un metge!
      [troo-kah oon meh-tcheh]
    • I'm lostEstic perdut
      [ehs-teek pehr-dooh]
    • I'm illEstic malalt
      [ehs-teek mah-lahlt]
    • I'd like to buy...Voldria comprar...
      [vohl-dree-ah kohm-prahr]
    • I'm just lookingNomés estic mirant
      [noh-mehs ehs-teek mee-rahnt]
    • How much is it?Quant val?
      [kwahnt vahl]
    • That's too expensiveAixò és massa car
      [eh-shoh ehs mah-sah kahr]
    • Can you lower the price?Pots baixar el preu?
      [pots bahy-shahr ehl preh-oo]
    • What time is it?Quina hora és?
      [kee-nah oh-rah ehs]
    • It's one o'clockÉs la una en punt
      [ehs lah oo-nah ehn poont]
    • Half past (10)Dos quarts de onze
      [dohs kwahrts deh ohn-tseh]
    • MorningMatí
    • AfternoonTarda
    • EveningVespre
    • YesterdayAhir
    • TodayAvui
    • TomorrowDemà
    • 1Un
    • 2Dos
    • 3Tres
    • 4Quatre
    • 5Cinc
    • 6Sis
    • 7Set
    • 8Vuit
    • 9Nou
    • 10Deu
    • Where's a/the...?On és un/el...?
      [ohn ehs oon/ehl]
    • What's the address?Quina és la direcció?
      [kee-nah ehs lah dee-rehk-syoh]
    • Can you show me (on the map)?Em pots ensenyar (al mapa)?
      [ehm poh-ts ehn-sehn-yahr (ahl mah-pah)]
    • When's the next (bus)?Quan és el proper (autobús)?
      [kwahn ehs ehl proh-pehr (ow-toh-boos)]
    • A ticket (to ....)Un bitllet (a ....)
      [oon bee-lyet (ah)]

History of Ordino

  • Ordino, nestled in the Pyrenees mountains, is one of Andorra's most picturesque parishes. The area was first inhabited by the Andosini, an ancient Iberian tribe, and later saw Roman influence. Archaeological findings suggest that the region has been settled since prehistoric times, with evidence of early human activity dating back to the Neolithic period.

  • During the Middle Ages, Ordino flourished under the co-principality established by the Bishop of Urgell and the Count of Foix. The town's strategic location made it a vital center for agriculture and trade. The construction of the Church of Sant Corneli i Sant Cebrià in the 12th century marked a significant development, serving as both a religious and social hub for the community.

  • The Casa d'Areny-Plandolit, a manor house built in the 17th century, is one of Ordino's most iconic landmarks. It was home to the influential Areny-Plandolit family, who played a crucial role in Andorra's politics and economy. The house has been meticulously preserved and now operates as a museum, offering a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of Andorra's historical elite.

  • The 19th century brought industrial advancements to Ordino, particularly in ironworking. The Farga del Serrat, an iron forge established in the 19th century, became a cornerstone of the local economy. This period also saw the growth of small-scale manufacturing and craftsmanship, contributing to the region's economic diversification.

  • The 20th century was a period of cultural revival for Ordino. Efforts to preserve and promote Andorran heritage led to the establishment of several cultural institutions. The National Auditorium of Andorra, located in Ordino, became a premier venue for music and performing arts, attracting both local and international artists. The town also saw the growth of educational institutions, further solidifying its reputation as a cultural and intellectual hub.

  • Today, Ordino seamlessly blends its rich history with modern amenities. The parish is known for its commitment to environmental sustainability and has become a popular destination for eco-tourism. Modern infrastructure and a vibrant cultural scene coexist with historical landmarks, making Ordino a unique and captivating destination for visitors from around the world.

Ordino Essentials

  • Ordino is located in the northern part of Andorra. The nearest major airport is Barcelona-El Prat Airport in Spain, approximately 200 kilometers away. From there, you can either rent a car or take a bus to Andorra. Direct buses operate from Barcelona and other major Spanish and French cities to Andorra la Vella, the capital. From Andorra la Vella, you can take a local bus or taxi to reach Ordino. The journey from Barcelona typically takes around 3 to 4 hours by road.
  • Ordino is a small town, and many of its attractions are within walking distance. For longer trips or to explore surrounding areas, local buses are available and operate regularly. Taxis are also an option, although they can be more expensive. Renting a car can offer more flexibility for those looking to explore the entire region at their own pace. Biking is another popular way to get around, especially during the warmer months.
  • The official currency in Andorra is the Euro (EUR). Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and shops. ATMs are readily available throughout Ordino, allowing you to withdraw cash as needed. It is advisable to carry some cash for smaller establishments and markets that may not accept cards.
  • Ordino is generally a very safe destination for tourists. Crime rates are low, and violent crime is rare. However, it is always advisable to take standard precautions such as keeping an eye on your belongings and avoiding poorly lit areas at night. There are no specific high-crime areas targeting tourists in Ordino.
  • In case of emergency, dial 112 for immediate assistance. This number can connect you to police, fire, and medical services. There is a local health center in Ordino, and more comprehensive medical facilities are available in Andorra la Vella. It is recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies.
  • Fashion: Do dress in layers, as mountain weather can change rapidly. Don’t wear overly revealing clothing, especially in religious sites. Religion: Do respect local customs and traditions. When visiting churches, dress modestly and keep noise to a minimum. Public Transport: Do be respectful and give up your seat to elderly passengers. Don't play loud music or speak loudly while on public transport. Greetings: Do greet people with a handshake. A friendly 'Hola' or 'Bon Dia' goes a long way. Eating & Drinking: Do try local delicacies and accept food offerings graciously. Don't leave food on your plate, as it can be seen as wasteful.
  • To experience Ordino like a local, visit the town's weekly market where you can buy fresh produce and traditional Andorran goods. Engage with locals, as they are often friendly and willing to share stories about the area's history and culture. Don’t miss the opportunity to hike in the surrounding Pyrenees mountains. For a unique experience, visit the Ordino Arcalis ski resort, which offers activities year-round, from skiing in the winter to hiking and mountain biking in the summer.