
Travel Guide to Escaldes-Engordany

Discover the thermal springs, cultural treasures, and natural beauty of Escaldes-Engordany, a captivating town nestled in the Pyrenees of Andorra.

The Enchanting Oasis of Escaldes-Engordany

Nestled in the heart of the Pyrenees, Escaldes-Engordany is a vibrant town in Andorra known for its rich culture, thermal waters, and stunning landscapes. This charming destination blends modern amenities with natural beauty, offering an unforgettable experience for travelers. The town is famous for its hot springs, which have been a source of relaxation and healing for centuries. The Caldea Spa is a must-visit, being one of Europe's largest thermal spas. Here, you can immerse yourself in soothing thermal waters while enjoying breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. Beyond its thermal baths, Escaldes-Engordany boasts a wealth of cultural attractions. The town is home to the Thyssen Museum, which features an impressive collection of European art. Stroll through the picturesque streets to discover local shops, cafes, and restaurants that offer a taste of Andorran cuisine and hospitality. Nature enthusiasts will find plenty to explore in the nearby Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This pristine valley offers hiking trails that lead through lush forests, past crystal-clear streams, and up to panoramic viewpoints. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural enrichment, Escaldes-Engordany has something for everyone.

Local tips in Escaldes-Engordany

  • Visit Caldea Spa early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid crowds.
  • Wear comfortable walking shoes to explore the town and nearby hiking trails.
  • Try the local cuisine, especially traditional Andorran dishes like trinxat and escudella.
  • Check the local event calendar for festivals and cultural events during your stay.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated while exploring the natural landscapes.
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Popular Attractions in Escaldes-Engordany

  • Caldea Spa

    Discover relaxation and rejuvenation at Caldea Spa, the ultimate thermal oasis in Andorra's picturesque Escaldes-Engordany.

  • Hard Rock Cafe

    Experience the ultimate blend of American cuisine and rock 'n' roll memorabilia at Hard Rock Cafe Andorra, a must-visit dining destination.

  • Sant Miquel Engolasters

    Explore the serene beauty and rich history of Sant Miquel Engolasters, a captivating Catholic church nestled in the heart of Andorra's stunning landscapes.

  • Museo Carmen Thyssen Andorra

    Explore the captivating art collection at Museo Carmen Thyssen Andorra, where culture meets beauty amidst stunning mountain views.

  • Centre de Congressos d'Andorra la Vella

    Explore the vibrant cultural scene at the Centre de Congressos d'Andorra la Vella, your gateway to Andorra's artistic expressions and events.

  • Saint Peter the Martyr de les Escaldes

    Explore the beauty and history of Saint Peter the Martyr de les Escaldes, a serene Catholic church in the heart of Andorra's scenic landscapes.

  • Centre d'Art d'Escaldes-Engordany (CAEE)

    Discover the vibrant world of contemporary art at the Centre d'Art d'Escaldes-Engordany, a cultural gem in Andorra.

  • Mirador d'Andorra la Vella i Escaldes-Engordany

    Discover unparalleled panoramic views at Mirador d'Andorra la Vella i Escaldes-Engordany, the perfect observation deck for breathtaking landscapes.

  • Refugi de Claror

    Discover the serene Refugi de Claror, a mountain cabin offering breathtaking views and a cozy retreat for nature lovers in the heart of Andorra.

  • Camí hidroèlectric d'Engolasters

    Explore the stunning Camí hidroèlectric d'Engolasters, where nature meets innovation in the heart of Andorra's scenic landscapes.

  • Mirador Ctra. de l'Obac CG-2 | Escaldes-Engordany

    Discover stunning panoramic views at Mirador Ctra. de l'Obac in Escaldes-Engordany, a must-visit observation deck in Andorra.

  • Tunel circuit de Les Fonts

    Explore the breathtaking landscapes of Tunel Circuit de Les Fonts, a premier hiking destination in Engolasters, Andorra, perfect for nature lovers.

  • Glorieta de la Plaça del Poble

    Discover the serene beauty of Glorieta de la Plaça del Poble in Andorra la Vella, a perfect blend of nature and culture.

  • Plaça del Poble

    Discover the vibrant charm of Plaça del Poble in Andorra la Vella, where culture, cuisine, and community converge in a picturesque town square.

  • mirador Escaldes -Encamp

    Discover breathtaking views and rich history at the Mirador Escaldes-Encamp, a must-see landmark in beautiful Andorra.

Popular Experiences in Escaldes-Engordany

When is the best time to go to Escaldes-Engordany?

Temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)

Popular Hotels in Escaldes-Engordany

Local Phrases

    • HelloHola
    • GoodbyeAdeu
    • Yes
    • NoNo
    • Please/You're welcomeSi us plau/De res
      [see oos plow/deh res]
    • Thank youGràcies
    • Excuse me/SorryPerdó/Ho sento
      [pehr-doh/oh sehn-toh]
    • How are you?Com estàs?
      [kohm ehs-tahs]
    • Fine. And you?Bé. I tu?
      [beh/ee too]
    • Do you speak English?Parles anglès?
      [pahr-lehs ahng-lehs]
    • I don't understandNo entenc
      [noh ehn-tehnk]
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseM'agradaria veure la carta, si us plau
      [mah-grah-dyah veh-oo-reh lah kahr-tah/see oos plow]
    • I don't eat meatNo menjo carn
      [noh mehn-joh kahrn]
    • Cheers!Salut!
    • I would like to pay, pleaseVoldria pagar, si us plau
      [vohl-dree-ah pah-gahr/see oos plow]
    • Help!Ajuda!
    • Go away!Vés-te'n!
    • Call the Police!Truca a la policia!
      [troo-kah ah lah poh-lee-syah]
    • Call a doctor!Truca un metge!
      [troo-kah oon meh-tgeh]
    • I'm lostEstic perdut
      [ehs-teek pehr-dooh]
    • I'm illEstic malalt
      [ehs-teek mah-lahlt]
    • I'd like to buy...Voldria comprar...
      [vohl-dree-ah kohm-prahr]
    • I'm just lookingNomés estic mirant
      [noh-mehs ehs-teek mee-rahn]
    • How much is it?Quant val?
      [kwahnt vahl]
    • That's too expensiveAixò és massa car
      [ai-shoh ehs mah-sah kahr]
    • Can you lower the price?Pots baixar el preu?
      [pohts bahy-shahr ehl preh-oo]
    • What time is it?Quina hora és?
      [kee-nah or-ah ehs]
    • It's one o'clockÉs l'una
      [ehs loo-nah]
    • Half past (10)Mitja (deu)
    • MorningMatí
    • AfternoonTarda
    • EveningVespre
    • YesterdayAhir
    • TodayAvui
    • TomorrowDemà
    • 1Un
    • 2Dos
    • 3Tres
    • 4Quatre
    • 5Cinc
    • 6Sis
    • 7Set
    • 8Vuit
    • 9Nou
    • 10Deu
    • Where's a/the...?On és un/el...?
      [ohn ehs oon/ehl]
    • What's the address?Quina és l'adreça?
      [kee-nah ehs lad-reh-sah]
    • Can you show me (on the map)?Em pots ensenyar (al map)?
      [ehm pohts ehn-sehn-yahr/al mahp]
    • When's the next (bus)?Quan passa el següent (autobús)?
      [kwahn pah-sah ehl seh-gwehnt/ow-toh-boos]
    • A ticket (to ....)Un bitllet (a ....)
      [oon bee-lyet/ah]

History of Escaldes-Engordany

  • Escaldes-Engordany's history begins with early human settlement in the Pyrenees. Archaeological evidence suggests that the area was inhabited as far back as the Roman era. The name 'Escaldes' derives from the Latin word 'calidae,' meaning hot, a reference to the thermal springs that have been a significant feature of the area since ancient times.

  • During the medieval period, Escaldes-Engordany became part of the larger Andorran feudal system. The region was divided into parishes, which were the main administrative divisions. The Church of Sant Pere Màrtir, built in the 12th century, stands as a testament to this period and remains one of the oldest and most significant religious structures in Escaldes-Engordany.

  • The thermal baths of Escaldes-Engordany have been a central feature of the town for centuries. In the 19th century, the area gained popularity as a health resort, attracting visitors from across Europe. The construction of several bathhouses and spas during this period marked the beginning of Escaldes-Engordany's reputation as a wellness destination.

  • The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw significant industrialization in Escaldes-Engordany. The local economy diversified from agriculture and pastoralism to include textiles and hydroelectric power. The Farga Rossell, an ironworks established in the 1840s, is a notable example of this industrial heritage and is now a museum dedicated to Andorra's industrial history.

  • In the second half of the 20th century, Escaldes-Engordany experienced a tourism boom, driven by its natural beauty and thermal baths. The opening of Caldea, the largest spa complex in Southern Europe, in 1994, further cemented its status as a premier tourist destination. Today, Escaldes-Engordany attracts visitors worldwide, offering a blend of modern luxury and historical charm.

  • Escaldes-Engordany is also known for its vibrant cultural scene. The town hosts several festivals throughout the year, including the Escaldes-Engordany International Jazz Festival, which started in 1985 and has since become a major event in the European jazz calendar. Additionally, the town is home to several museums and art galleries, such as the Carmen Thyssen Museum, which showcases a wide range of international art.

  • The architectural landscape of Escaldes-Engordany is a mix of traditional Andorran stone buildings and modern constructions. Notable buildings include the Art Nouveau-style Casa Lacruz and the contemporary Church of Sant Pere Màrtir. These structures reflect the town's evolution from a medieval settlement to a modern tourist hub.

Escaldes-Engordany Essentials

  • Escaldes-Engordany is located in the Principality of Andorra. The nearest international airports are in Barcelona (Spain) and Toulouse (France). From these cities, you can take a bus or rent a car to reach Andorra. The journey typically takes around 3 hours. There are several bus companies that operate daily services to Andorra la Vella, the capital city, from where it's a short taxi or bus ride to Escaldes-Engordany.
  • Escaldes-Engordany is a compact area, and many attractions are within walking distance. Local buses operated by Cooperativa Interurbana Andorrana provide convenient transportation within the parish and to other parts of Andorra. Taxis are also available and relatively inexpensive. For those looking to explore the surrounding mountains and nature, renting a car can be a convenient option.
  • The official currency in Andorra is the Euro (EUR). Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and shops. ATMs are readily available throughout Escaldes-Engordany. It is advisable to have some cash on hand for small purchases and in case you visit more remote areas where card payments might not be accepted.
  • Escaldes-Engordany is generally a safe destination for tourists. There are no specific high-crime areas targeting tourists. However, it is always good practice to stay vigilant, keep an eye on your belongings, and avoid walking alone late at night in unfamiliar areas.
  • In case of emergency, dial 112 for immediate assistance. This number connects you to police, fire, and medical services. The nearest hospital is Nostra Senyora de Meritxell Hospital, located in Escaldes-Engordany. Pharmacies are available for minor health issues and over-the-counter medications. It is recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies.
  • Fashion: Do dress comfortably and in layers, as the weather can vary. Avoid overly casual attire in upscale restaurants. Religion: Do respect local customs and traditions, especially when visiting churches. Public Transport: Do validate your ticket when using public transport. Don't eat or drink on public transport. Greetings: Do greet people with a friendly 'Hola' or 'Bon dia' (Good day in Catalan). Eating & Drinking: Do try local dishes and accept food offerings graciously. Don't rush meals; enjoy the experience.
  • To experience Escaldes-Engordany like a local, visit the local markets and try traditional Andorran cuisine. Spend some time at Caldea, the largest spa complex in Southern Europe, for a relaxing experience. Engage with locals, as they are often friendly and willing to share stories about their culture and history. Don't miss the Escaldes-Engordany Arts Centre (CAEE) for exhibits on Romanesque art and Andorran heritage.