
Travel Guide to Hulhumalé

Discover Hulhumalé, a modern oasis in Malé, Maldives, where pristine beaches, vibrant dining, and serene green spaces offer a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure.

Hulhumalé: The Modern Oasis of the Maldives

Hulhumalé, a reclaimed island in Malé, Maldives, is a blend of modernity and natural beauty. This vibrant neighborhood is a testament to the Maldives' forward-thinking infrastructure and urban planning. With its pristine beaches, palm-fringed pathways, and crystal-clear waters, Hulhumalé offers a perfect escape for those looking to experience the charms of the Maldives without venturing too far from the bustling capital of Malé. Stroll along the picturesque beach promenades, where the azure waters of the Indian Ocean meet soft, white sands. Hulhumalé's beach is perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and indulging in various water sports such as snorkeling and jet skiing. The island's well-maintained parks and green spaces provide serene spots for picnics and leisurely walks. Hulhumalé is also home to a variety of dining options, from local Maldivian cuisine to international flavors. The neighborhood's cafes and restaurants offer stunning ocean views, making dining here a delightful experience. Don't miss the chance to visit the local markets, where you can find fresh produce, handmade crafts, and souvenirs to take home. Whether you're looking for relaxation or adventure, Hulhumalé has something for everyone. Its proximity to Velana International Airport makes it an easily accessible destination for tourists, making it the perfect starting point for exploring the Maldives.

Local tips in Hulhumalé

  • Visit the Hulhumalé Central Park for a peaceful retreat amidst lush greenery.
  • Explore the local markets early in the morning for the freshest produce and unique souvenirs.
  • Take a sunset walk along the beach promenade for breathtaking ocean views.
  • Try local Maldivian dishes at neighborhood eateries for an authentic culinary experience.
  • Book water sports activities in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons.
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Popular Attractions in Hulhumalé

  • Hulhumale Beach

    Experience the tranquil beauty of Hulhumale Beach, a tropical paradise in the Maldives perfect for relaxation and water sports.

  • Tri sea view hulumale beach

    Experience the breathtaking beauty of Tri Sea View Hulumale Beach, where pristine sands meet azure waters in a tropical paradise.

  • Lookout Point

    Experience the stunning vistas of Lookout Point in Malé, a breathtaking hiking area that showcases the natural beauty of the Maldives.

  • Sunrise East

    Experience the breathtaking beauty and tranquility of Sunrise East, a hidden gem in the Maldives that promises unforgettable moments.

  • Scuba Snorkel Drop

    Explore the vibrant underwater world at Scuba Snorkel Drop, a top tourist attraction in Hulhumalé, Maldives, perfect for snorkeling and diving adventures.

  • T-Man's Beach

    Experience the tranquil beauty of T-Man's Beach in Hulhumale, Maldives - a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure awaits you.

Popular Experiences in Hulhumalé

When is the best time to go to Hulhumalé?

Temperature (°C)

Popular Hotels in Hulhumalé

Local Phrases

    • Helloދުވެހި
    • Goodbyeޝަދެވި
    • Yesއިތުރުގެ
    • Noނަތަރުގެ
    • Please/You're welcomeއާވަރުން
    • Thank youއަނބުން
    • Excuse me/Sorryއެދުނުކި
    • How are you?ކަލްޑިވަނީ?
    • Fine. And you?މަގަވު އަތުންނަ?
    • Do you speak English?އިނގަލްތައި ކޮއިކްސަނީ?
    • I don't understandމައެވިކަތް ނަތަރުގެ
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseމާނާވައޮތް މެނުކޮށެހިތ
    • I don't eat meatމައެވިކަރު ނަތަރުގެ
    • Cheers!ލިއެވުނަތީ!
    • I would like to pay, pleaseމާނާވައޮތް ލެނޑެހިތ
    • Help!އަބަނުނީ!
    • Go away!އަބަދުނީ!
    • Call the Police!ޕޮލިސް ކަލެކޮށެހިތ!
    • Call a doctor!ޑޮކޯތެނަޔަ ކަލެކޮށެހިތ!
    • I'm lostމައެވިކައިތައި
    • I'm illމައެވިކަރަތަނަ
    • I'd like to buy...މާނާވައޮތް ލިއުމުތ
    • I'm just lookingމާނާވައޮތް އަބަނުއް
    • How much is it?ކަލެކޮށެހިތ?
    • That's too expensiveތާށްދާ އަލަވަމުތ
    • Can you lower the price?ކުއިކްސަނީ ކަލެކޮށެހިތ?
    • What time is it?ކަލޮކޮށެހިތ?
    • It's one o'clockއާބާނުވަކޮށެހިތ
    • Half past (10)އާބާނުވަދާ
    • Morningމިއަރުނީ
    • Afternoonއާފާރުނީ
    • Eveningއެވަނަތުތަނަ
    • Yesterdayއެހެނަށި
    • Todayމާނާވެހިތ
    • Tomorrowއަތޮމޮސް
    • 11
    • 22
    • 33
    • 44
    • 55
    • 66
    • 77
    • 88
    • 99
    • 1010
    • Where's a/the...?ކުކޮއޮތް އެކުނގި...?
    • What's the address?ކަލާކުލައިނަދު...?
    • Can you show me (on the map)?ކުއިކްސަނީ އަޅައު ގަޑިނަދު?
    • When's the next (bus)?ކުކޮކުއިތޫ ކުކޮކޮވަނިތ?
    • A ticket (to ....)އައެހަނުތ ކުކޮވަލިތ (....)

History of Hulhumalé

  • Hulhumalé was originally developed in the late 20th century as a solution to the land scarcity in Malé, the capital of the Maldives. The island was created through land reclamation, with the first phase starting in 1997. Its establishment aimed to provide housing and alleviate overcrowding in Malé, reflecting the Maldives' rapid population growth and urbanization.

  • The planning and development of Hulhumalé were guided by a vision to create a modern, sustainable city. The government emphasized the importance of infrastructure, public spaces, and community facilities. This vision was influenced by the broader aspirations of the Maldives to enhance economic opportunities and improve living standards for its citizens.

  • As Hulhumalé developed, concerns over environmental sustainability emerged, especially regarding the impact of land reclamation on marine ecosystems. To address these issues, the government and local organizations have implemented various environmental protection initiatives, including the establishment of green spaces and the promotion of sustainable practices among residents.

  • Hulhumalé has grown into a vibrant community that reflects the diverse cultures of the Maldives. The neighborhood has become home to many Maldivians, as well as expatriates from different countries. This mixture has fostered a unique cultural identity, visible in the local markets, community events, and culinary offerings, which contribute to the social fabric of the area.

  • Over the years, Hulhumalé has seen significant economic development, with investments in tourism, real estate, and infrastructure. The establishment of various businesses and amenities in the area has attracted both locals and tourists, positioning Hulhumalé as a key player in the Maldivian economy and a gateway for visitors exploring the archipelago.

Hulhumalé Essentials

  • Hulhumalé is conveniently accessible from Malé, the capital of the Maldives. The most common way to get to Hulhumalé is via a short ferry ride from Malé, which takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Regular ferry services operate throughout the day, with tickets available at the ferry terminal. Alternatively, you can take a speedboat or a taxi boat, which may be more expensive but offer a quicker transit time. For those arriving by air, Velana International Airport is located on Hulhulé Island, adjacent to Hulhumalé, and a short taxi ride will get you to your destination.
  • Hulhumalé is a compact and easily navigable neighbourhood. Walking is the best way to explore the area, as many attractions are within walking distance. For longer distances, bicycles can be rented from various shops, providing a pleasant way to tour the island. Local buses operate within Hulhumalé and connect to Malé and the airport, offering a budget-friendly option for transport. Taxis are also available and are a convenient choice for those seeking more comfort. However, there are no trains in the Maldives.
  • Hulhumalé is generally considered a safe neighbourhood for tourists, but standard precautions should always be observed. Avoid walking alone at night, especially in poorly lit areas. Petty crime, such as pickpocketing, can occur in crowded spaces. Although there are no specific high-crime areas targeting tourists, it is advisable to be cautious near public transport hubs and markets. Always keep an eye on your belongings and avoid displaying valuable items.
  • In case of an emergency, dial 999 for police assistance or 102 for medical emergencies. There are local clinics and hospitals in Hulhumalé where you can seek medical help. It is highly recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. For minor health issues, pharmacies are available throughout the neighbourhood. Familiarize yourself with the locations of the nearest medical facilities upon arrival.
  • Fashion: Do dress modestly, especially at religious sites and public areas. Swimwear is acceptable at beaches but should not be worn in town. Religion: Do respect local customs, especially during Ramadan. Avoid eating or drinking in public during fasting hours. Public Transport: Do be courteous and give up your seat for the elderly and pregnant women. Don't play loud music or engage in disruptive behavior on public transport. Greetings: Do greet locals with a friendly smile or a simple 'hello.' A handshake is common, especially among men. Eating & Drinking: Do try local dishes and accept food offerings graciously. Don't waste food or refuse hospitality, as it can be seen as disrespectful.
  • To experience Hulhumalé like a local, visit the bustling local markets for fresh fruits, vegetables, and Maldivian handicrafts. Engage with local fishermen and learn about their traditional practices. Don't miss the opportunity to try street food, such as mas huni (a tuna salad) and roshi (flatbread). For a unique experience, attend a local cultural event or performance if your visit coincides with one. Lastly, take time to relax on the beautiful beaches, especially during sunset, to enjoy the stunning views.