
Travel Guide to Hietzing

Discover Hietzing in Vienna: A serene district offering historical grandeur, lush green spaces, and local charm, perfect for a peaceful and enriching getaway.

Hietzing: Vienna's Elegant Retreat

Hietzing is a charming district located in the western part of Vienna. Known for its serene atmosphere and green spaces, it offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city center. The area is rich in history and boasts some of Vienna's most beautiful landmarks. Schönbrunn Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the crown jewel of Hietzing. This magnificent baroque palace was once the summer residence of the Habsburg monarchs. Visitors can explore its opulent rooms, stunning gardens, and even a zoo, which is the oldest in the world. The palace grounds are perfect for leisurely walks, picnics, and enjoying the seasonal flower displays. Hietzing is also home to the delightful Lainzer Tiergarten, a former royal hunting ground now open to the public. It is a haven for nature lovers, offering extensive walking trails through lush forests and meadows. Don’t miss the Hermesvilla, a romantic villa within the park, which was a gift from Emperor Franz Joseph I to his wife, Empress Elisabeth. The district’s residential areas are picturesque, with elegant villas and tree-lined streets. Local cafes and restaurants offer a taste of Vienna’s culinary delights. The local market, Hietzinger Markt, is a great spot to experience the neighborhood's daily life and sample regional produce. Hietzing provides a unique blend of natural beauty, historical grandeur, and local charm, making it a must-visit destination for anyone exploring Vienna.

Local tips in Hietzing

  • Visit Schönbrunn Palace early in the morning to avoid crowds.
  • Wear comfortable shoes for exploring Lainzer Tiergarten as the trails can be extensive.
  • Try the local pastries at a traditional café in the area.
  • Check the seasonal events at Schönbrunn Palace, such as concerts and markets.
  • Take a leisurely stroll through the residential streets to admire the historic villas.
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Popular Attractions in Hietzing

  • Großes Palmenhaus Schönbrunn

    Discover the enchanting beauty of Großes Palmenhaus Schönbrunn, a botanical paradise in Vienna's historic palace gardens.

  • Desert House

    Explore the Desert House in Vienna for a unique journey through desert ecosystems amidst the beauty of Schönbrunn Palace Gardens.

  • Neptune Fountain

    Discover the stunning Neptune Fountain at Schönbrunn Palace, a baroque masterpiece surrounded by lush gardens and rich history.

  • Maze

    Explore the timeless charm of the Schönbrunn Maze in Vienna, a delightful blend of history, nature, and playful adventure.

  • Roman Ruin

    Discover the charm of the Roman Ruin at Schönbrunn Palace, a historical landmark reflecting Vienna's rich cultural heritage amidst beautiful gardens.

  • Wien Museum Otto Wagner Hofpavillion Hietzing

    Explore the Wien Museum Otto Wagner Hofpavillion Hietzing, a stunning architectural gem in Vienna showcasing Art Nouveau excellence and Otto Wagner's legacy.

Popular Experiences in Hietzing

When is the best time to go to Hietzing?

Temperature (°C)

Popular Hotels in Hietzing

Local Phrases

    • HelloServus
    • GoodbyeAuf Wiedersehen
      [Owf Vee-der-zen]
    • YesJa
    • NoNein
    • Please/You're welcomeBitte
    • Thank youDanke
    • Excuse me/SorryEntschuldigung
    • How are you?Wie geht es dir?
      [Vee gayt es deer]
    • Fine. And you?Gut. Und dir?
      [Goot. Oont deer]
    • Do you speak English?Sprechen Sie Englisch?
      [Shpre-khen zee Eng-lish]
    • I don't understandIch verstehe nicht
      [Eekh fair-shtay-heh nikht]
    • I'd like to see the menu, pleaseIch hätte gerne die Speisekarte, bitte
      [Eekh het-teh gair-neh dee shpy-zeh-kahr-teh, bit-teh]
    • I don't eat meatIch esse kein Fleisch
      [Eekh ess-eh kine Fly-sh]
    • Cheers!Prost!
    • I would like to pay, pleaseIch würde gerne bezahlen, bitte
      [Eekh vur-deh gair-neh beh-tsah-len, bit-teh]
    • Help!Hilfe!
    • Go away!Geh weg!
      [Gay vehg]
    • Call the Police!Rufen Sie die Polizei!
      [Roo-fen zee dee po-lee-tsay]
    • Call a doctor!Rufen Sie einen Arzt!
      [Roo-fen zee eye-nen ahrts]
    • I'm lostIch habe mich verirrt
      [Eekh hah-beh meekh fair-eert]
    • I'm illEs geht mir nicht gut
      [Es gayt meer nikht goot]
    • I'd like to buy...Ich möchte kaufen...
      [Eekh mairk-teh kou-fen]
    • I'm just lookingIch schaue nur
      [Eekh shou-eh noor]
    • How much is it?Wie viel kostet es?
      [Vee feel kohs-tet es]
    • That's too expensiveDas ist zu teuer
      [Dahs ist tsoo toy-er]
    • Can you lower the price?Können Sie den Preis senken?
      [Ker-nen zee den price zain-ken]
    • What time is it?Wie spät ist es?
      [Vee shpeht ist es]
    • It's one o'clockEs ist ein Uhr
      [Es ist iyn oor]
    • Half past (10)Halb elf
      [Halb elf]
    • MorningMorgen
    • AfternoonNachmittag
    • EveningAbend
    • YesterdayGestern
    • TodayHeute
    • TomorrowMorgen
    • 1Eins
    • 2Zwei
    • 3Drei
    • 4Vier
    • 5Fünf
    • 6Sechs
    • 7Sieben
    • 8Acht
    • 9Neun
    • 10Zehn
    • Where's a/the...?Wo ist ein/der...?
      [Voh ist iyn/der]
    • What's the address?Was ist die Adresse?
      [Vahs ist dee ah-dreh-suh]
    • Can you show me (on the map)?Können Sie mir zeigen (auf der Karte)?
      [Ker-nen zee meer tsai-gen (ouf der kar-teh)]
    • When's the next (bus)?Wann kommt der nächste (Bus)?
      [Vahn komt der nakh-steh (boos)]
    • A ticket (to ....)Eine Fahrkarte (nach ....)
      [Eye-nuh fahr-kahr-teh (nahkh)]

History of Hietzing

  • Hietzing's history dates back to Roman times when it was known as a rural settlement outside the city walls of Vindobona (modern-day Vienna). The area was primarily agricultural, with numerous farms and estates established by early settlers who were drawn to its fertile lands and proximity to the Wienerwald (Vienna Woods).

  • In the Middle Ages, Hietzing began to gain prominence as a small village. The first documented mention of Hietzing dates back to 1200, highlighting its agricultural significance. The region's location made it a retreat for the nobility, who built country estates and hunting lodges, laying the groundwork for its later transformation into a fashionable residential area.

  • During the 19th century, Hietzing was significantly shaped by the Habsburg monarchy. The construction of the Imperial Villa (Schönbrunn Palace) in the late 17th century and its surrounding gardens attracted attention to the area. The palace became a summer residence for the imperial family, further enhancing Hietzing's status as a desirable neighborhood for the aristocracy and affluent citizens.

  • As the 19th century progressed, Hietzing transformed into a residential area for the burgeoning bourgeoisie. The establishment of the Vienna tram system in the late 19th century made the area more accessible, leading to a construction boom. Elegant villas and apartment buildings sprung up, reflecting the architectural styles of the time, including Historicism and Art Nouveau.

  • Hietzing is home to several cultural landmarks, including the famous Tiergarten Schönbrunn, the oldest zoo in the world, established in 1752. The area also boasts the beautiful church of St. Joseph, built in the early 20th century, which showcases the rich architectural heritage of the region. Today, Hietzing is known for its green spaces, elegant residential areas, and a blend of historical charm and modern living.

Hietzing Essentials

  • Hietzing is accessible from various neighborhoods in Vienna via public transport. The U4 subway line connects Hietzing to the city center, with the Hietzing station being the main access point. Trams 60 and 62 also serve the area, offering a scenic ride. From Vienna International Airport, take the City Airport Train (CAT) to Wien Mitte and transfer to the U4 line towards Hütteldorf. Alternatively, taxis and rideshares are available, but public transport is often the most efficient option.
  • Hietzing is well-connected by public transport, including the U4 subway line and several tram lines. Buses also serve the area, making it easy to navigate. Bicycles are a popular mode of transport, with dedicated bike lanes available. Rent a bike from local rental shops or use the city’s bike-sharing service to explore the neighborhood. Walking is another great way to enjoy Hietzing, especially around Schönbrunn Palace and the surrounding gardens.
  • Hietzing is considered a safe neighborhood for tourists. However, standard precautions should still be observed. Avoid poorly lit areas at night and keep your belongings secure. There are no specific areas within Hietzing known for high crime rates targeting tourists, but it is advisable to remain vigilant, particularly in crowded places.
  • In case of an emergency, dial 112 for immediate assistance in Austria. Local police stations and hospitals are available in Hietzing. Familiarize yourself with the location of the nearest hospital or pharmacy. It's advisable to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. For minor health issues, pharmacies in the area can provide over-the-counter medications.
  • Fashion: Do dress comfortably and appropriately, especially when visiting Schönbrunn Palace. Don't wear excessively casual clothing in fine dining establishments. Religion: Do respect local customs and dress modestly when visiting churches. Public Transport: Do be courteous and offer your seat to elderly passengers. Don't eat or drink on public transport. Greetings: Do greet locals with a friendly 'Grüß Gott.' Don’t forget to say thank you ('Danke') after interactions. Eating & Drinking: Do try local Viennese cuisine at local cafés. Don’t leave food on your plate, as it may be considered wasteful.
  • To experience Hietzing like a local, consider visiting the local markets, such as the Hietzinger Markt, for fresh produce and artisanal products. Participate in local events or festivals, which often showcase Viennese culture. Enjoy a leisurely afternoon at the nearby Schönbrunn Gardens, where locals often stroll, picnic, or relax. Don't miss the chance to visit the nearby Lainzer Tiergarten, a nature reserve perfect for hiking and enjoying the outdoors.